Saturday, September 09, 2006


We went there with BIG HOPES and GREAT EXPECTATIONS and we were not disappointed. Well if you know something about amsterdam then there should be an evil smile on your face and if you don't then this is perhaps where you should stop reading.

We reached Amsterdam at 2.00 pm but didn't see the place till 4:00 pm. Special thanks to Yatharth's maru genes for that. After finally deciding that Amsterdam pass for 2 days is cheapest deal to see Amsterdam, we bought it. Since museums would close by 6, we decided to go to Rijksmeuseum straight with our luggage. The museum was good (I am not an art-freak.. Santa and yatharth enjoyed it though). (More on Rijks and the things to look out for in a later post by santa). Thankfully it closed down at 5.30 otherwise only god knows how much time those two would have taken. Vasanth and Raghu were already pissed off with the 2 hour feat at railway station. We then went to our hostel which was actually a ship called marietta. (the green one in picture below)
It was go great that Raghu decided to lose 30 bucks he paid for other hostel and pay another 30 here. We checked in, went down to the main deck, and made several significant observations regarding our beds and previous occupants (stuff censored). After the initial excitement at the hostel we went back to city. Had free dutch gin in a pretty old bar (more than hundred years)(courtesy: amsterdam pass). The interior was like what they generally show in pirates movies. The gin was extremely strong. There is an interesting dutch tradition that if the bottle empties before some glass is filled completely then you get that drink on the house. Another interesting tradition is you have to take the first sip from the table itself.

It was already dark and time to do what we had come to amsterdam for. We had dinner and now wanted the famous dessert of amsterdam ;).

To be continued...

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One Year in Europe - Retrospection

It seems like yesteday when we were all waiting in Dakhin Kalibari Association Hall for our visa interview the next day. Everything went fine and we were in France the day after with so many plans to see europe. Vasanth had already made plans to visit switzerland the same month (though he hasnt visited it yet and now is in singapore busy making plans to see Australia :) ).

In this blog me and my friends will write our memories (and screw-ups) from the trips we made. It can serve as a guide to you in case you are making a trip to europe but the basic purpose of this blog is to make you feel jealous of all the fun we had during our one year (6 months for some) stay at - INSEAD.. where the journey begins.